Welcome Back, David Ostergaard! Celebrating New Beginnings at Bright Star Touring Theatre

We are thrilled to share some exciting news with our community! Bright Star Touring Theatre  welcomed back our founder, David Ostergaard, who has returned to lead the company with renewed energy and vision. Under his guidance, we are making significant enhancements that will elevate our performances and broaden our impact.

A Visionary Leader Returns

David Ostergaard’s passion for theatre and education has always been the heartbeat of Bright Star Touring Theatre. As the founder, he established our mission to bring quality, educational, and entertaining productions to schools and communities nationwide. His return marks a new chapter filled with innovation, creativity, and dedication to our core values.

Enhancements Under David’s Leadership

David’s return has already brought about several positive changes, setting the stage for an extraordinary year ahead:

1. Expanded Show Lineup

This year, we are proud to present 51 captivating shows, including new additions that explore Black History, science, STEM, literary classics, and holiday themes. Each production is thoughtfully crafted to inspire and educate young audiences. David immediately set about rewriting shows (Bienvenidos, Cherokee Tales, FrankenSTEM & More), bringing back audience interaction that was removed during the COVID era that’s long been one of the high points of any Bright Star Show and so much more! 

2. Enhanced Educational Content

We have enriched our educational materials to complement our performances. Study guides have been expanded and classroom activities have been enhanced.

3. Invigorated Productions

David’s creative vision has led to the development of new productions with a high emphasis on production quality. David’s first order of business was purging pre-bought costumes and ordering sets to be repainted. We are elevating the production qualities that audiences had come to expect with Bright Star shows. 

4. Strengthened Community Engagement

We believe in the power of theatre to bring communities together. David is excited to announce a partnership in the coming days that will allows audiences across the three states access to energy efficiency shows that are completely free to the school. 

Join Us for an Unforgettable School Year

With David Ostergaard at the helm, Bright Star Touring Theatre is poised for an unforgettable school year. We invite schools, educators, and communities to join us on this exciting journey. Together, we will inspire, educate, and entertain, making a lasting impact on the next generation.

Stay tuned for updates on our performances, educational programs, and community events. Let’s make this school year the best one yet!

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