Our Longest Running Show!

Have you ever seen our production of The Lady of Bullyburg? If you have, you have seen Bright Star’s longest running show ever!

This acclaimed anti-bullying fairy tale is celebrating 13 years on the road this fall! Schools and educators across the country have heralded this production with literally changing the climate of their school. Join ‘Lady Kindness’ as she saves her town from a visiting bully while learning a variety of empowering tools along the way.

This anti-bullying classic is the perfect kick-off to your school year.

Book now for a few open dates in October! This one’s selling out fast. There’s a reason it’s been around so long!?

336.558.7360 or email: booking@brightstartheatre.com TODAY!

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Actor Spotlight – Tour 16

Hello, we are pleased as punch to proudly present to you our actors from our Summer Tour 16!

Meet Sherman Lee Sutton, a veteran Bright Star Performer from Memphis, Tennessee. He graduated from Middle Tennessee State University with a Theatre Performance degree and a minor in Vocal Performance.

Meet Hannah Storch from Cleveland, Ohio, a first timer to Bright Star but she has taken to the material like a pro. She graduated from Kent State University with a degree in Theatre and English.

This amazingly talented crew is performing some hilarious, Upcycled Cinderella, high energy, The Greatest: Sports Heroes A to Z and some very educational and inspiration programs, Jackie Robinson. We can’t wait to see where their summer adventure takes them! And we wish them all the best on the road.

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Bright Star at ALA 2016!

We had the most amazing time at the ALA (American Library Association) Annual Conference & Expo in Orlando, FL this past weekend! We met a lot of really awesome librarians, saw many sponsors who bring us in every year, got a load of some extravagant booths and library technology, saw one of our favorite librarians ever that we work with in St. Petersburg, Russia each year and even took a selfie with Paula Poundstone! It was quite a whirlwind. (Check out the pics below:)

If you were at the conference this past weekend, you may remember us from the character ‘Granny’ that greeted everyone who crossed paths with our booth.

We had a great time and can’t wait to see you all again in Chicago 2017!


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Actor Spotlight – Tour 17

Hello World!

We are so excited to introduce our Actors for our Summer Tour 17 who recently hit the road to perform The Velveteen Rabbit, Aesop’s Fables, and Once Upon a Time…

Meet Alex Bates from Florence, Alabama and currently studying theatre at Jacksonville State University.

Meet Joseph Johnson from Charlotte, North Carolina and currently studying performing arts at North Carolina A&T State University.

These talented actors have worked with Bright Star in past seasons and we are so thrilled that they were available to re-join the Bright Star Family! They each bring such energy and comedy to their shows. We can’t wait for the reviews to come pouring in.

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Success in Europe

The team is back together again and with amazing news from their travels in Europe. The 58th Annual European PTA Conference was a great success. We made new friends with many of the American Schools based in Germany, Italy, Sicily, Spain and more!  Erin and Reeni performed their version of Aesop’s Fables to a packed out house who by the end was quoted as saying, “We have never seen anything like this. You all were so good! We can’t wait to bring you in!” The entire weekend was fun, encouraging and informative.  Check out the Bright Star Video from our performance and for more information about our international touring opportunities, please visit our website here, //brightstartheatre.com/other-programs/.

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Actor Spotlight!

Our first summer tour is on the road and they are excited to visit your young audience! We have two amazingly talented & professional actors with a ton of enthusiasm, quick wit and energy to share.

Joanna Ferbrache is originally from Missouri and is a 2015 BA graduate from the University of Pennsylvania.

Trey Allen is originally from Alabama and holds an MFA in Acting from The University of Houston.

They are both very excited to be on the road and are so much fun to watch!

They are currently touring with Professor Parsnip’s Lab of Healthy Choices (a show about a wacky professor and his hilarious assistant), The Greatest: Sports Heroes A to Z (a show that highlights sports heroes and figures throughout history) and Storybook Tales: Pinocchio & Robin Hood (the stories of these two famous tales).

Do you want to see these two actors performing one of these fun summer shows in your library, theatre or community? Book one today by emailing booking@brightstartheatre.com or giving us a ring at 336.558.7360.

Happy June 1st!


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We’re Traveling Actors: Our Adventures in Touring Theatre

The Bright Star crew is always on the go. Reeni and Erin from the office just returned from an Arts in Education Showcase on Long Island while David and Tina are planning a trip to Orlando for a Youth Librarian Conference. Coming up in May, Reeni and Erin will make an exciting journey to Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany for the 2016 European PTA Conference. We’ll be meeting with parents and educators who are on U.S. Military bases abroad and we cannot wait to perform one of our favorite plays while we’re there: Aesop’s Fables!  In the opening of this play two hilarious characters, Penny and Mabel, proudly introduce themselves by saying, “We’re traveling actors!  We’ve traveled all over the world…from near to far, to and fro, side to side, up and down to perform for you some of our very favorite stories of all time!” In our 14th year as a touring theatre company, this line has become like a metaphor for what we do best: bringing educational, engaging theatre to audiences in every imaginable venue.

With Bright Star actors and staff traveling all over the United States and beyond, it’s sometimes easy to forget that we’re based in lovely Asheville, North Carolina…but this week we’re all thrilled to take a little break from turnpikes and Times Square for a hike in the Blue Ridge Mountains.

Just a few days ago, our wonderfully talented actors Ella Smith and Evan Jackson presented a hugely successful performance of Upcycled Cinderella and a sold out performance of American Giants of Science at Asheville Community Theatre. Our actors will also be performing this week in Saluda Elementary, Lake Toxaway Elementary and the Stecoah Arts Center in Robbinsville, North Carolina.

On Saturday, April 23rd at 10:00 am, the hilarious and gifted actors Bobby Duncalf and Allison Petrillo will be returning to Asheville Community Theatre to perform Bright Star’s 45 minute adaptation of The Secret Garden. We hope to get a huge turn out from our community because this show is funny, heartwarming, perfect for spring and great for families. I can’t think of a better way to spend a Saturday morning in April.

It’s good to be home!

Erin Schmidt, Director of Development, Bright Star Touring Theatre

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Big Apple – Big News

The best part about my job are all the amazing opportunities we get to travel the world and talk to people about the other wonderful aspects of the job! Sounds pretty wonderful right? Because it is!

Today, Erin and I are in New York for the Nassau Region PTA Arts-in-Education Showcase. We will be performing a 15-minute sampler of what Bright Star Touring Theatre has been bringing to schools all across the country for 14 years! I hope the Nassau Region PTA is ready for one hilarious, fun-filled, spectacularly delightful showcase with two of my favorite characters, Penny and Mabel.

Erin and I traveled to Niagara Falls, New York last November for our first NY PTA conference and we were blown away by the wonderful people! We are so excited to be returning with a showcase performance and with the announcement that we are now in multiple BOCES directories. That means some schools in New York could receive FREE programs! And that ladies and gentlemen is truly thrilling news!

Until next time,


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We’re showcasing in New York City!

We are honored and thrilled to be an official selection with the Nassau Region PTA Arts-in-Education 2016 Showcase!

April 11th, Reeni and Erin will be in town showcasing a cut from our show ‘Aesop’s Fables’ along with answering all your questions about bringing in any of the 50+ shows from this season.


Bright Star in the Big Apple!

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Just back from Russia–next up Germany!

Whew! Tina and David in the office just got back from working with the American Schools in Moscow & St. Petersburg, Russia. It was an incredible trip. ‘We had performances and worked with hundreds of students between the two schools,’ Said Tina. Next up, Reeni and Erin in the office are thrilled to be heading to Germany to perform Aesop’s Fables at the European PTA Conference. We are so excited to be traveling throughout the world with our theatre next year!

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2016-17 Season Announcement!

Did you see our 2016-17 Season has been announced? And what better way to announce it than on this flashy, exciting, new website!  We’re thrilled with the new shows, including: Bullysaurus Rex; Alice in Wonderland; Building Stories; Black History Heroes, Soldiers & Spies; Holiday Songs: Music Around the World and so much more! So hey, peruse the new website and send us any questions. We can’t wait to work with you in the new season. Pssssst…our booking lines are open! (336) 558-7360.

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Explore Our Current Tours