George Washington Carver & Friends
(Best for Grades Kindergarten - 5th)
Black History, History and Social Studies, STEM
Black History heroes laid the groundwork for some of the most amazing discoveries of the modern era, especially when it comes to Science, Technology, Engineering and Math. Hosted by the incredible scientist, George Washington Carver, a man who invented thousands of uses for the lowly peanut, this show introduces students to other incredible scientists, entrepreneurs and groundbreakers from Black History. Meet Madame CJ Walker, Jackie Robinson, Thurgood Marshall and more!

The Life of Dr. King
(Best for Grades 3rd - Adult)
Black History, History and Social Studies
One of Black History’s most influential Civil Rights Leaders, the life and story of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. is one of both triumph and tragedy. Learn how Dr. King came to be such a prominent leader in this dramatic show. Follow Dr. King’s life from his time as a young boy in Georgia, to becoming a preacher in Alabama, to becoming an important figure on the international stage. A powerful and impactful story, audiences will come to recognize that the Civil Rights won during Dr. King’s time came with a heavy price, and consider what role they will continue to play in the struggle for equality.

Black History Heroes, Soldiers & Spies
(Best for Grades 4th - Adult)
Black History, History and Social Studies
History is filled with Black American heroes and in this production audiences learn the stories of some of the most amazing figures like Colonel Charles Young of the Buffalo Soldiers, the Tuskegee Airmen as they take flight to help achieve victory in World War II, and Mary Elizabeth Bowser, whose work as a spy helped the Union during the Civil War. An exciting and interactive production that is sure to intrigue young and old alike!