Bullysaurus Rex

(Best for Grades Pre-K - 5th)

Bully Prevention and Character Education

The history of bullying goes way, way, way, way back in Bullysaurus Rex, a dinosaur-themed antibullying adventure that is perfect for younger audiences! It isn’t always easy to stand up for yourself or your friends – even if your friends weigh two tons and have giant claws, teeth, and scales! Though they lived eons ago, in this heartwarming tale these fun-loving giants have many of the same problems that we young people still face today. Find out how to recognize, report, and stand up to bullying while learning to be a great dino-friend. 

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One Noble Knight

(Best for Grades 3rd - 8th)

Bully Prevention and Character Education

In a land ruled by a Cruel Queen, one noble Knight must unexpectedly rise to the task of defeating the bullying Queen Edda. Can one Knight accomplish this task alone? With the help of the Wise Wizard, Waldermar, and the Queen’s servant, Bumbleworth, our noble Knight will learn to overcome all obstacles in order to save his Kingdom and all its people. This more serious look at bullying will teach your older grades the importance of respect and loyalty. We will equip your audiences with the tools they need to handle bullying.

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